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video conventional vs synthetic oil l WE DELIVER please
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This contest is valid in canada as well. The Free AMSOIL oil change kit will be delivered from our Toronto or Edmonton warehourse
Shipping/Pickup: at many
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in the united States. It is quick and easy; just call our number we set up the order then you can pickup the same day.
Our 55 gal drums ship for around onehundred thirty and cases are less then twelve dollars. Please call txt 860 436 7034 for specifics.
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You are loosing money by not switching to AMSOIL.
You are loosing money on fuel consumption and wear. AMSOIL is about no compromises, saving you time and the
most value for your maintenance dollar.The comparison
compares amsoil
synthetic 10W30 to other manufacturers. The comparison
chart 2 compares
amsoil synthetic 5W30 to other manufacturers. You may have noticed that no
other manufacturer publishes ASME test data with competitors names and
brands listed. Now you understand why amsoil synthetic oil is the best oil
for your vehicle. In most cases there are multiple choices for each weight of oil.
To get the best oil for you vechicle you decide how often you intend to
change and filter your oil.
If you look at the index you will see weight and applications listed. There are
3 differend 5W20 oils, 6 different
5w30 oils. There are three different 10W30 oils,
they are explained lower down. There is a motor oil comparison
chart which compairs ATM with other oils. The 5W40 oil are either
on the Diesel page or the
Volkswagen page.
At the bottom of the page I have the
4 easy steps to changing to better protection and improved gas mileage
of synthetic oil. There is a
conventional oil vs synthetic oil video here.
You can read how you choose or call SANTANA call/txt 860 436 7034 anytime. There are tables and graphs lower
down on this page if you would like to study them just click them and
they will get bigger. . Thank you for looking
Here we
have the full Amsoil catalog. You can browse or download it. It
contains many of most popular products with prices. You can order
from any page of the catalog if you wish.Look
at the 48 page catalog here
call this synthetic 10W30 OET. OET synthetic 10W30 is one of the OE
series oils. They are designed to the new 2011 specifications
to give you the protection
and better gas mileage of synthetic oil without extending your drain
intervals. When you are considering the advantage of synthetic oil vs
regular oil this is the best motor oil to choose. The OE series oils
will give you better economy, higher efficeincy and more protection
than reguler oil when you follow the
manufacturers oil change intervals . OE series synthetic are available
in these additional weights:
OEF 5w30
OEM 5W20. There is a brochure you can
read and download
OEF 10W30 for the 2011 specifications
ILSAC GF-5, GF-4...
Ford WSS-M2C929-A
Chrysler MS-6395N
GM dexos1TM
Here is a you tube video discussing conventional
oil vs synthetic oil. Hear if from the experts. You will understand why Amsoil is your best value
and performance for your engine and your wallet.
XL Extended Drain Synthetic Motor Oils provide better wear control,
high- and low-temperature protection and increased fuel economy
compared to conventional oils. Formulated with extended-drain boost
technology, AMSOIL XL Synthetic Motor Oils provide superior
performance for up to 10,000-miles/six months, or longer when
recommended in owner’s manuals or indicated by electronic oil life
monitoring systems.
use XLF 10W30 for these specs:
ILSAC GF-5, GF-4...
Ford WSS-M2C929-A
Chrysler MS-6395N
GM dexos1 (supersedes LL-A-025, 6094M and 4718M)
Fortified with detergents that exceed dexos1 sulfated ash specifications.
This site was designed to be a phone friendly amsoil site. It should
load fast and be viewable on a small screen. There will usually be a price button next to a product
. Clicking the price button will transfer you to a full screen secure AMSOIL ordering site.
Once there select the quantity you are considering, add it to cart. Add prefered customer to cart and get instant savings
of 25% -35%. All sizes are available quarts to 55 gallon drums. We have great bulk oil pricing for groups, commercial accounts and oil
change quick lube establishments. To make it easy we offer local pickup at many US
locations and several Canadian locations available complete " send me a quote" or call call/txt 860 436 7034 for the location nearest to you
We call this oil ATM.
it is an Amsoil 10w30 100% synthetic oil.This
is a Signature Series Synthetic oil. ATM 10W-30 is one ot the A series oils.
Amsoil A series were designed to give you the best gas mileage ( lowest
four ball test number ) and are our best selling extended drain product.
They are available in three weight . ASM
ASL 5W30, and
ATM 10W30. The A series oils are designed for 25,000 mi
or less oil changes. To this they are fortified
with premium
additives. To go to 25,000 mile drain intervals you must also use a
nonofiber oil filter rated for 25,000miles or as an alternative change a
regular oil filter at its recomended drain intervals. The A series oils are
reported to
improve your gas mileage. This is the slipperiest product we make, that is
confirmed with
the Lowest
4 ball wear number, which you can find on the test data. If you would like more
informaton about ASTM technical wear data or best pricing,warehouse pickup
or same day ship please call 800-692 7109.There are two motor oil
comparison charts in this section the first chart compares ATM 10W 30 to
Castrol GTX, Mobil 1 Extended Performance, Valvoline SynPower, Pennzoil
Platinum, Motor craft, Trop Artic, Quaker State Horse Power, Kendall GT-1
High performance, Shell Formula, Cheveron Supreme. The motor oil
comparison shows using ASME test ASTM 5800 that ATM protects your
engine best because it
the least. The second chart shows a motor oil comparison comparing ASL 5W30
to Red Line, Mobile 1, Pennzoil Platinum, Mobil Clean 5000,
Havoline, Quaker State Horse Power, Valvoline Syn Power. Five of the
oils shown evaporate almost twice as much as ASL. This
presents a grave danger to your engine. The others evaporate
more and usually cost more.
The amsoil A series extended drain oils provide the best value and
performance for your vehicle. They are the lowest cost synthetic
oil per mile on the market today.
I have
more motor oil comparison tests comparing Amsoil ATM synthetic 10W30 vs
Valvoline SynPower, Castrol GTX, Pennzoil Platinum, Quaker State Horse
Power, Mobil 1 Extended Performance, Shell Formula, chevron Supreme, Kendal
GT-1 high Performance, Motorcraft, Trop Artic.
Use ATM 10W30 for these specifications
ILSAC GF-4, 3 …
ACEA A5/B5 A1/B1
Ford WSS-M2C205-A
Daimler Chrysler MS-6395N
VW 503.00
call this HDD 5w30 100% Synthetic motor oil. HDD is designed for bypass filter
applications, Diesel engines and heavily loaded turbo engines. Because HDD is
designed for bypass filter applications it has the most extensive additive
package to protect your engine over the long haul. Please call me ( Santana )
call/txt 860 436 7034 for specifics and best pricing, same day warehouse pickup and
shipping is available. Designed to meet or exceed the specifications listed
USE HDD 5W30 for these specifications:
ACEA A3/B3, E2
Global DHD-1
Mack EO-M+, EO-N
Premium Plus ’03
DDC Power Guard 93K214
Caterpillar ECF-1-a, ECF-2
Cummins CES 20071, 20072, 20076, 20077, 20078
Volvo VDS-2, VDS-3 MB 228.1, 228.3, 229.1
MAN 271/3275
MTU Type 2
here is the First step to changing to synthetic oil
In step One you have finished the struggle of oil vs synthetic oil.
Your research from the graphs and motoroil comparison tests are
complete. Now you can call us at call/txt 860 436 7034 and get the Oil, Oil Filter, air filter, transmission oil
and gear oil recomendations from us. Call anytime
24/7 we work late or will call you back. As an alternative you can click on the

Amsoil on line application guide.
The amsoil online application guide will list Oil,
Oil filter, air filter, fuel filter, cabin filter,
injen air induction systems, capacities and torque
specifications for your vehicle. In many cases
there will be multiple choices that are organized by
your year and engine type. Take a look there
is a lot of information there. If you prefer you can
e mail us
here is the second step to changing to synthetic oil
In In step 2 we assume that you have ordered at least the oil, new oil filter and 1 can of engine flush
per 5 quarts of
oil in your engine. If you are going to change the oil yourself just pour the
flush into your oil and idle the engine for twenty minutes drain the oil and
replace as you normally do. If you are taking it to a quick lube or an
oil change place pour in ( or have the mechanic pour it ) into the oil and
idle the engine for twenty minutes before the oil change. You can E-mail us at
and. we will send back a list of local oil change places in your
area. You must provide your zip code, since that will be how
we will find the location for you.
STEP 3 here is the third step to changing to synthetic oil
In step three you have to dispose of the old oil. Once you find your local place it is pretty easy. You can E-mail us at
and. we will send back a list of all the free drop off places in your
area. You must provide your zip code, since that will be how
we will find the location for you.
here is the fourth step to changing to synthetic oil
STEP 4 feel good you helped the enviroment using AMSOIL
read why. When you use amsOil you are not
using fossil fuels. Amsoil also
provides the option to extend oil drains. Every drain that you skip means that much less oil in a landfill site
In my mind this is the
most important test. I spun the connecting rod bearings in my honda prelude and
my toyota celica while they were supposed to be protected by Mobil 1.You can clearly see that Mobil 1 doesn't provide the best protection. This could happen in traffic,
towing a trailer, driving up a steep grade or just taking a long trip. Amsoil ATM synthetic 10w30
Protects Against Wear
Four-Ball Wear - ASTM D-4172
The Four-Ball Wear Test evaluates the protection provided by engine oil under conditions of pressure and sliding motion. The size of the scar left as a result of the test determines the amount of wear protection the lubricant provides. The smaller the wear scar, the better the protection. Tests show that AMSOIL 10W-30 Synthetic Motor Oil has better antiwear performance than all other oils tested. With AMSOIL Synthetic Motor Oil, engine life can be extended and major repairs are often reduced.
This motor oil comparison test compares Amsoil synthetic 10W30 to
Valvoline SynPower, Castrol GTX, Pennzoil Platinum, Quaker State Horse
Power, Mobil 1 Extended Performance, Shell Formula, chevron Supreme,
Kendal GT-1 high Performance, Motorcraft, Trop Artic.
AmsOil ATM synthetic 10W30 Helps Engines Start Easier.
The test :
Cold Cranking Viscosity - ASTM D-5293
The Cold Cranking Test determines the apparent viscosity of lubricants at low temperatures and high shear rates.
Viscosity of lubricants under these conditions is directly related to engine cranking and startability. The lower a lubricant’s cold crank viscosity,
the easier an engine will turn over in cold temperatures. The low cold crank viscosity of AMSOIL Synthetic 10W-30 Motor Oil reduces drag on moving engine
parts and allows engines to achieve critical cranking speed in extremely frigid temperatures. Engines turn over quickly and dependably in the coldest winter
Every morning when you start your engine it is cold. There is just more protection with AMSOIL. This motor oil
comparison test ( ASTM d-5293 ) shows the cold cranking viscosity of AmsOil ATM synthetic 10W30 vs Valvoline SynPower, Castrol GTX, Pennzoil Platinum, Quaker State Horse
Power, Mobil 1 Extended Performance, Shell Formula, chevron Supreme,
Kendal GT-1 high Performance, Motorcraft, Trop Artic.
AMSOIL ATM synthetic 10W30 Extends Oil Life
Thin Film Oxygen Uptake Test - ASTM D-4742 . You have heard about engine sludge. This test will show you which oil will produce the most sludge.
The Thin Film Oxygen Uptake Test (TFOUT) is used to evaluate engine oil’s ability to resist heat and oxygen breakdown when contaminated with oxidized/nitrated fuel, water, and soluble metals such as lead, copper, iron, manganese and silicon. This test is designed to mimic the operating conditions of a gasoline engine.
AMSOIL 10W-30 Synthetic Motor Oil has superior heat and oxidation resistance to control sludge deposits and extend oil life.
Engines stay clean for maximum protection and oil changes are reduced, saving time and money.
This motor oil comparison test compares AmsOil ATM synthetic 10W30 vs vs Valvoline SynPower, Castrol GTX, Pennzoil Platinum, Quaker State Horse
Power, Mobil 1 Extended Performance, Shell Formula, chevron Supreme,
Kendal GT-1 high Performance, Motorcraft, Trop Artic. This will be very noticeable when you pull out your dip stick and your oil is cleaner then ever before.