Shipping/Pickup: at many local warehouses in the united States. It is simple; just call our number we set up the order then you can pickup the same day. Our 55 gal drums ship for around onehundred thirty and cases are less then twelve dollars. Please call txt 860 436 7034 for specifics.
new online store
55 Gallon Drum
synthetic 15W40 Diesel is our most economical oil for diesels (with all my discounts)
To find product for your Powerstroke now click to link to the
application guide
(filters and fluids capacities are listed also) just start with the year of your vehicle.
There you can find capacities, toques, and all our
products for your Engine , transmission and air filters.
We carry a full line of product for the Powerstroke
line. The easiest way to find it all is to click the
online appication guide above. Below I have built
a basic table for quick order of oil and filters.s If
you have questions please call me (Santana ) call/txt 860 436 7034. If you know your product code
( the three letters )Click the price button next to it, then add to cart. Add prefered customer to cart and get instant savings of 25% -35%.
All sizes are available quarts to 55 gallon drums, you can select the size
once you go to the price page.. Local pickup is available at many US locations and several Canadian locations. You can call me for the location
nearest to you. I would be
glad to give you a quote over the phone or walk you through all the options.
Get Bulk oil prices for Totes and 55 gal drums
This picture shows amsOil bmk26 bypass filter kit mounted on the frame on a Ford F350 powerstroke

you click this picture shows an amsOil BMK21 bypass filter kit installed on a ford
powerstroke F350 . The picture shows the nice anodized amsOil
BK1101 filter cap and the BK1102 oil return cap replacing the standard oil fill cap on a ford powerstroke. Those anodized caps really dress up
your powerstroke unit. Both anodized caps are shown with the optional BP242 swivele fitting. The contents of the BMK21 bypass oil kit are listed here.
you click this picture you will see amsOil bypass filter kit fittings BP34, BP 39, BP52 your existing pressure transmitter would thread into the T
( the brass fitting ). The amsOil bypass filter kit BMK 21 includes those three parts I just included this picture to give you a visual
of how it goes
you click this picture you will see a bypass filter kit hollow bolt
installed in a powerstroke oil pan. It is the BP40 self tapping hollow
bolt which which is item number 15 on the
bmk21 PARTS list.
preferred CUSTOMER TRIAL MEMBERSHIP ! please contact me for a 6mo trial membership with your first order of at least 4 quarts and one filter.
You must contact me by email
Or call call/txt 860 436 7034. I must put in your order by telephone. Offer is valid while this is on display and only if you place your order as stated an
take delivery. I am doing this because I am so confident that you will love the results from this oil and will continue using
it in the future
Here is a list of the parts
contained in the BMK21 bypass filter kit. There are some optional items listed also:
1. Oil Pressure Sending Unit (existing)
2. Filter Mount Assembly, Spin-On 1 BK-303
3. Fitting Adapter 4 BP-208
4. 5â„169 Fender Washer 3 BP-205
5. 5â„169 Flat Washer 3 BP-120
6. 5â„169-18 Self Locking Nut 3 BP-121
7. 5â„169- 18 x 19 Hex Head Bolt 3 BP-122
8. 1â„49 I.D. Hose 88 BP-251
9. Hose Fitting 4 BP-261
10. Street “T†(1â„89 x 1â„89 x 1â„89) 1 BP-33
11. Straight “T†(1â„49 x 1â„49 x 1â„49) 1 BP-34
12. 90° Street Elbow, 1â„89 4 BP-52
13. Bushing 1â„89 x 1â„49 1 BP-38
14. Nipple 1â„49 x 29 1 BP-39
15. Self Tapping Hollow Bolt 1 BP-40
16. Sealing Gasket 1 BP-41
Plastic Tie 2 BP-46
Thread Sealant 1 BP-198
Instruction Sheet 1 BP-83
Optional parts available from AMSOIL INC.
Filter Cap for 6.0L Ford BK-1101
Oil Fill Cap for 6.0L Ford BK-1102
Oil Sampling Kit
Oil Return Swivel Fitting
Deluxe Oil Sampling Valve 1â„49 NPT G-1570
By-pass filter element (EaBP90,
EaBP100, or
EaBP110, as space dictates) (all sold separately)
preferred CUSTOMER TRIAL MEMBERSHIP ! please contact me for a 6mo trial membership with your first order of at least 4 quarts and one filter.
You must contact me by email Or call call/txt 860 436 7034. I must put in your order by telephone. Offer is valid while this is on display and only if you place your order as stated an
take delivery. I am doing this because I am so confident that you will love the results from this oil and will continue using
it in the future
induction system for your diesel